

Injuries are part of the daily grind of everywrestler and as such is part of jWrestling! During a match, and even sometimes out of matches, actions might damage a specific body part. Being on a receiving end of a move, being hit with a foreign object, using high risk moves and/or mistakes performing or receiving a move can affect the damage on a body part.

Of course rest, training and others impact how much and how fast they heal.

The color scheme is as follows:

  • Black: No damage. Body part health is at 100%.
  • Yellow: Light damage. The damage does not affect performance at this point. Body part health >= 75%.
  • Orange: Moderate damage. At this point the damage might affect performance but still at a small chance. Body part health >= 50%.
  • Red: Heavy damage. Performance on moves and actions related to the affected body part. Bleeding chances are really high if the head is at this level. Body part health >= 25%.
  • Dark Red: Extreme damage. At this point the body part is basically unusable in a match. Body part health >= 0%.
  • Grey: Injured. At this point the body part is impaired from being used. Body part health <= 0%.
  • White: Permanently Injured. At this point the body part would never fully heal and will always be prone to be easily injured again. Body part health <= 25%.

The more damaged a body part is, the more likely you will submit to a move targetting the area. Doctors might not clear you to participate on matches the closest you are to being on white.

Here are some effects of damaged body parts:

  • Legs will basically prevent you from walking or create limping (if only one leg is affected). Speed goes way down as an effect.
  • Arm damage would highly interfere with moves that require them.
  • Body damage would interfere with strength moves involving lifting your opponent.
  • Head damage, specially if bleeding, will interfere with visibility, reaction time.

Getting Red damage in a match is not a bad thing granted you have recovery time. But over do it and you might end up sidelined with a serious injury ending your career too short.